Art, Stories

Something wet

My next crochet pattern will be one of an otter (European kind). Normally I post just a simple sketch, but this time I felt like drawing the pattern image and posting it here. At the top of each of my patterns is an illustration of the animal the pattern is for. Usually it is an improved and coloured version of my first sketch. For the otter pattern, this illustration you will find at the top.


Otters are very entertaining and whimsical animals. Every time I’ve seen them in a zoo, they always make me laugh with their curious and playful attitudes. I doubted about the shape of my crochet version. Otters their features aren’t very suitable for a doll shaped animal, so it had to be either standing on two feet, or four feet. As you can see I decided to go for the two feet option. I believe that is the most representative position to make the otter as I described above.

I hope all of you who have asked me to make an otter pattern, will be looking forward to this crochet otter as much as I do!


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