Art, Stories

A pretty big cat

LynxLast week I started working on my new crochet animal pattern, a crochet lynx. I am quite excited to make this animal. Before I start designing a new pattern, I always look online to see what other designers have come up with. First of all to be sure my pattern will be nothing like theirs but also just to see what is offered. When I searched for a crochet lynx pattern, there wasn’t much to find. This pattern might become rather unique, which makes it extra fun and challenging.

Lynxes are incredibly colourful animals. Their fur consist out of all kins of colour ranges and lynxes can also be spotted. To make the pattern simple and not to expansive for everyone to make, I will use three colours for this crochet lynx.

And one slightly silly note, I am quite awful in drawing cats. Drawing this basic sketch took me hours. I have no idea why that is, other animals aren’t a problem, but when I draw cats, they always look ridiculous. Fortunately this lynx does look fairly smart.


4 thoughts on “A pretty big cat”

  1. It’s exciting isn’t it! I was surprised myself how good that little patch made the cat head look. I hope to have him finished the last week of november.

    Glad you like the first bits of him.

  2. You need to take a break from making really cute animals while I have a chance to catch up :). I’m loving this little lynx!!

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